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Privacy Policy

Updated at 2024-03-05

At TOGETHER SOLUTIONS S.L., we commit to ensuring that your personal data is protected and not used for purposes other than those specified in this Privacy Policy. For this reason, in this section, we inform users and interested parties about everything related to the processing of their personal data, thereby complying with the applicable data protection regulation in our country: General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679, of 27 April, on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (hereinafter, "GDPR") and Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on Personal Data Protection and guarantee of digital rights (hereinafter, "LOPDGDD").

This Privacy Policy applies to data processing carried out by TOGETHER SOLUTIONS S.L. through this APP (hereinafter, the “APP”) and/or those indicated. We recommend that you read it carefully before using this APP or providing your data through it. You can consult us with any questions regarding this through the email: help@together.day

Table of Contents

In this Policy, you will find all the information related to the processing of your personal data and the rights you can exercise to maintain control over them. In this sense, you will find information about:


Your personal data will be processed by the company TOGETHER SOLUTIONS S.L. ("TOGETHER DAY"), with VAT number B72792633 and whose contact details are as follows:
Address: Calle de los Juncos 11, 28223, Madrid
Contact phone: +34 655 88 86 72
Contact email: help@together.day

1.1. Our Data Protection Officer

At TOGETHER DAY, we provide you with the contact details of our Data Protection Officer, to whom you can address any questions you have regarding this Privacy Policy or the processing of your personal data.
Email: help@together.day


2.1. Minimum Age.

To provide us with your personal data, you must be at least 14 years old. If you are under 14, you must send us a signed authorization to help@together.day from your parents or legal guardians indicating their consent for the processing of your personal data.

2.2. Truthfulness.

When you provide us with your data to use our services, you guarantee that the data and information provided is real, truthful, up to date, and also belongs to you and not to third parties.

In addition, you must notify us of any modification that occurs in the data provided, responding in any case to the truthfulness and accuracy of the data supplied at all times.

2.3. Age and Truthfulness Control.

At TOGETHER DAY, we reserve the right to verify your age and identification information at any time, if necessary, even requiring an official document or equivalent procedure. In case of detection of fraud that is proven or suspected that you are under the indicated age, we reserve the right to delete, temporarily deactivate and/or cancel your account.


Below, we explain how we process your personal information and provide you, in detail, all the relevant information regarding your privacy:

3.1. When you contact us:

What are the data collection channels?

Sending emails to the address help@together.day or other electronic addresses of TOGETHER DAY.

What data do we collect?

Identifying and contact information. We collect the email address from which you contact us, as well as any other information you voluntarily include in the communications you send to us.

We may ask you for additional information if necessary to fulfill your request or requirement.

What are the purposes of processing your personal data?

To respond to your requests. The main purpose of processing these data will be to answer your requests, resolve your doubts, and/or supply the required information, as well as, if applicable, follow up on your requests.

To improve customer service. All information derived from doubts, queries, and advice offered to interested parties, as well as the way in which requests are resolved, allows us to understand how we provide our own customer service, enabling us to improve its quality.

Additionally, all collected information, once the indicated retention period has ended, is anonymized and used for the purposes of being able to analyze the most frequently asked questions through the chat and to automate the most common ones. It can also be used to compile FAQs, or be kept for statistical purposes to develop commercial strategies.

What is the legal basis that allows us to process your data? Is the provision of this data mandatory?

Consent. The data supplied for the above purposes will be processed based on your consent, granted when, voluntarily, you contact us through the means made available to you to request information or make a request.

Legitimate interest. All information collected by the customer service department will be processed based on our legitimate interest for statistical purposes that will serve to improve the quality of the customer service provided.

How long do we keep your information?

We will process all your personal information for the time in which your requests are being processed and, if necessary, to follow up on them. Once this period has ended, TOGETHER DAY will keep your information blocked for the periods provided in the legislation to address possible liabilities and to demonstrate compliance with our obligations. From this moment, TOGETHER DAY will only process the information in an anonymized way, so it will not be possible to link the statistical information with the specific users to whom it refers.

To whom do we disclose your personal information?

We do not perform any additional transfer to carry out this processing other than those indicated, in general, in point 4. "To whom do we disclose your personal information?" In this sense, some channels through which you can contact us are managed by service providers, who act as Data Processors. You will find more information on how these service providers act in point 4, mentioned above.

3.2. When you register and use the APP:

What are the data collection channels?

- Registration form in the App.
- App usage functionalities.

What data do we collect?

Information required at registration:
Identifying and contact information. We collect your identifying data (name and surname), phone number, and username.

Additionally, there is an option to include a picture of yourself for the creation of an avatar for your user profile.

Information you may include during the use of the App:
Contacts from your address book. We will request access to your contact list.

Personal data about events, trips, health, etc. All the personal information you decide to voluntarily provide
in the different sections of the APP.

Multimedia files, such as photos or videos that you import from your gallery or camera, if you give permission for it.

Voice commands (voice recordings). You can create content within the App using your voice.

Content published by you. By using our App, you have the possibility to interact with other users through the App.

Data collected during the use of the App:
App usage data: We also automatically collect app usage data, specifically technical data and information related to how you use the App, including the type of mobile device, your mobile device's unique identification, your mobile device's IP address, mobile operating system, if applicable, the type of internet browsers you use, and information about how you use the App, such as frequency and duration of use, etc.

What are the purposes of processing your personal data?

To create your account. The main purpose of processing these data will be the creation of your account within the App so that you can enjoy all the functionalities of the App. This includes verifying your phone number for registration and carrying out all administrative procedures to allow the use of the App, including contacting you to inform about security updates, changes in our policies, and other administrative communications.

To give you access to the App's functionalities. The App is focused on life management (“life manager”), allowing you to manage different initiatives or projects individually or collaboratively, perform check-lists, and the rest of the functionalities available to users.

To send you push notifications about relevant aspects of the App, if you accept to receive these notifications. For example, you will receive a notification in case you receive a new chat message, or we will remind you of the proximity of an event saved in the App.

To invite contacts to participate in collaborative projects or to use the App. If you give access to your contact list, we compare the information obtained from the agenda with our database of registered users to show you if some of them are already using the App. And so that you can invite those who are not yet registered to collaborate with them. Participate in specific projects within the App and/or to register and use the App.

To allow interaction between users through chat. One of the functionalities is to allow interaction between the users who participate in the same project.

To create App content through voice commands assisted by artificial intelligence. By giving permission for the use of the microphone and issuing a command, the user can explain the need they want to cover. Our artificial intelligence system analyzes the command and transcribes it with your consent to suggest the pertinent actions you must take in the App to create the desired content.

These suggestions will also take into account the content created by the user within the App. So we can suggest the creation of new spaces from scratch or the improvement of existing content according to the content that exists in your Account and the needs identified through the voice command.

Each action suggested by the system must be accepted or denied by the user.

Prevention, detection, and prosecution of illegal activities or contrary to the service conditions or that endanger the security of the information or the App.

We may process the data to monitor and prevent any form of abuse of our services, such as fraudulent activities, denial-of-service attacks, spamming, unauthorized access to our users' accounts, as well as any other practice that is contrary to the App's Conditions of Use. The data may also be used to prevent any practice that endangers the security of the information or the integrity of the App itself. We are able to delete the content or the account that are contrary to the law or our Conditions of Use.

Within this purpose, it also includes the processing of complaints that you present against other users or those that are presented against you, with the option to contact TOGETHER DAY to analyze the specific case. It also ensures that there will be human intervention to correct or remedy the issue that is raised to us.

Statistical purposes and others performed with anonymous data. We can anonymize all the personal information collected from users who use the App, and usage data for statistical purposes and others. For example, algorithm training, to measure the navigability and usability of the App to be able to improve the design, presentation, and functionalities available or others.

What is the legal basis that allows us to process your data? Is the provision of this data mandatory?

Consent. The data supplied for the above purposes will be processed based on your consent, granted when, voluntarily, you register in our App and use the different functionalities.

Likewise, if you decide to provide us with additional voluntary information to complete your profile, such information will be used based on your consent.

Functionalities such as inviting contacts, uploading multimedia content, sending push notifications, and creating content through voice commands require additional consents, which will be requested at the time you want to use such functionality through pop-up notifications to request access to the agenda, gallery, or camera, the microphone, or to authorize push notifications.

Remember that you can revoke your consent at any time through the configuration of your device, deleting your content, or through the options available in the App.

Legitimate interest. Data will be processed based on our legitimate interest in relation to: (i) the prevention of illegal activities and others related to the security of the App, to ensure the security of the network and information to prevent events that may compromise the availability, authenticity, integrity, and confidentiality of personal data or the App itself, as well as compliance with community norms; and (ii) statistical purposes and improving services.

If you wish to obtain more information about the weighting we have carried out on the legitimate interests of TOGETHER DAY in relation to the above purposes, you can request it by writing to us at help@together.day.

The information you must provide compulsorily will be indicated with an asterisk or in a similar way. Without such information, it would not be possible to register.

How long do we keep your information?

We will process all your personal information for the time you are registered in the App. Once the account is canceled, the information will be kept, blocked, for the periods provided in the legislation to address possible liabilities and to demonstrate compliance with our obligations.

To whom do we disclose your personal information?

We do not perform any additional transfer to carry out this processing other than those indicated, in general, in point 4. "To whom do we disclose your personal information?" In this sense, some channels through which you can contact us are managed by service providers, who act as Data Processors. You will find more information on how these service providers act in point 4, mentioned above.

3.3. TOGETHER DAY Social Media Profiles

TOGETHER DAY has profiles on major social networks such as Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), Instagram, LinkedIn, or YouTube. When you become a follower of any of our pages on social networks, the processing of data will be governed by the terms of use, privacy policies, and access regulations that belong to the corresponding social network and previously accepted by the user. In this regard, TOGETHER DAY will process your data for the purposes of properly managing its presence on the social network, informing you about activities, products, or services, as well as for any other purpose that the regulations of social networks allow.

Please note that we do not have any influence over the information that the social network collects or how it processes it. We recommend that you stay informed about the purpose and scope of the collection of information that is carried out through such social networks.


Generally, TOGETHER DAY will not communicate your data to third parties. However, in addition to the transfers that we specifically indicate to you in the section where we explain the characteristics of the different operations (point 3), we inform you of the communications that we can make, in general, and that affect all the above treatments and their legitimizing basis:

Additionally, we inform you that this Privacy Policy only refers to the collection, processing, and use of information (relating to personal data) on our part through the interaction you carry out with our APP. Access to third-party websites that you may access through links from the APP have their own privacy policies, over which we have no control. Therefore, before providing any personal information to them, we recommend that you inform yourself about their Privacy Policies.


Some of our service providers are located in countries outside the European Economic Area (“EEA”).

The location of these companies outside the EEA implies the existence of an international transfer of your personal data, which could result in a lower degree of protection than that provided in European regulations. However, TOGETHER DAY has applied measures to ensure that such transfers do not lead to a lower degree of protection of your personal data.

In this sense, service providers located outside the EEA have a valid mechanism to carry out international transfers: (i) they have signed the corresponding standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission (“SCC”), an agreement signed between both entities by which the non-EU company guarantees that it applies European data protection standards or, (ii) when they are US companies, alternatively to the SCC, they can be certified by the new Adequacy Decision for the EU-US Data Privacy Framework (DPF).

Therefore, the use of these providers does not result in a lower degree of protection of your personal data than the use of providers located in the EEA.

You can consult the content of the SCC and the Adequacy Decision for the EU-US Data Privacy Framework at the following links:

Standard contractual clauses for controllers and processors in the EU/EEA - European Commission
Adequacy decision for the EU-US Data Privacy Framework

Below, we indicate the international transfers we carry out from TOGETHER DAY:



Transfer Mechanism

Open AI

United Stated

Standard Contractual Clauses


You can exercise the rights that the law guarantees you in relation to the processing of your personal data by contacting us through our email: help@together.day

Any request for rights that we receive will be resolved as soon as possible and, in any case, within the maximum period established by legislation from the time we receive it. In some cases, it may be necessary to request a copy of your identification document or another identifying document if it is necessary to verify your identity.

The rights that correspond to you as an interested party are the following:


The security of your personal data is a priority for us. Therefore, TOGETHER DAY has implemented all necessary security measures to guarantee an effective use and processing of the personal data provided by the user, safeguarding privacy, confidentiality, and integrity of the same. It makes use of the technical means necessary to prevent alteration, loss, unauthorized access, or processing of your data, according to the state of technology at any given time.

Consequently, we comply with the recommended security standards to protect them. However, it is impossible to guarantee their total security due to the nature of the internet and because there may be malicious actions by third parties outside our control.

We commit to act quickly and diligently in case the data security is compromised, and to inform you about it if it is relevant.


TOGETHER DAY may modify the content of the privacy policy at any time, especially when there are legislative, jurisprudential changes or interpretation by the competent authorities that affect the data processing carried out by TOGETHER DAY through this APP. Any new version of this Privacy Policy will come into effect on the published effective date.

If the revised version includes a substantial change that affects the processing of your data, we will notify you well in advance by posting a notice on our APP or communicating it to you via email. Despite the above, we recommend that you regularly review this Privacy Policy to be informed about how your personal data is treated and protected, as well as the rights that assist you.

This Privacy Policy has been modified on February 9, 2024.